Friday, April 8, 2011

Radiation in your life? Nonsense!

Let's give it up to the idiots who assume that every little dose of radiation is a guaranteed trip to cancer. But as a result of such nonsense, I'm here to take a break from coffee art and present to you the reasons why the recent events concerning Japan's failed nuclear station may mean absolutely nothing to food with an increased level of radiation -- to a point.

As many of you may know, the resulting leak from the nuclear plant did not only result in local increases of radiation but tests have shown that radiation has been detected in milk as far as California. So should we be worried? Should we, who find ourselves under the sun all the time, be seriously worried that we are drinking milk that "may give us cancer?" No, no we shouldn't. As presented to you by a well known webcomic, here is a radiation exposure chart  created and presented by XKCD:

Clicking on the image will allow you to view the actual size of it. The chart works in a clockwise manner, starting with the top left chart. 

*Ahem* As you can all see, we're constantly exposed to radiation no matter where we live. But what I'm truly saying is that we should be concerned by the AMOUNT of radiation we are exposed to RATHER than the idea that so and so is completely unsafe because there is an indication of radiation.


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